
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Department Network

Academy Department Network


Safeguarding Team

Lead DSL

Mr P Hunt

Deputy DSL

Mrs C Hoods-Truman

Deputy DSL

Mrs G Mardenborough

Deputy DSL

Mr C Clements

Deputy DSL

Mrs L Young


Quality of Education

Curriculum Team

Curriculum Leads

Mrs C Hoods-Truman, Miss G Eadie & Miss N Waters

Teaching & Learning Lead

Mr P Hunt

Data & Assessment Lead

Mr C Clements


Mrs H Cotterell

English Lead

(Reading, Writing, Phonics)

Miss G Eadie

Maths Lead

Mrs L Young


(History, Geography & RE)

Miss G Eadie

Miss N Waters

Miss V Brice

Art & Design

(Art, Design Technology (incl Food)

Mrs K Smith

Mrs L Bate


Mrs A Eccleston

PESSPA/Sports Premium

Mrs C Hoods-Truman – Lead

Mrs Danielle Delaney - Deputy

IT & Communication

Mr C Clements

Miss K Stewart


Mrs L Bate



 Quality of Education, Behaviour & Attitudes

Inclusion Team

Inclusion Lead

(Behaviour & Attitudes)

Mr P Hunt

Infant SENDCo

Mrs J Pope

Junior SENDCo

Mr P Hunt

Senior Learning Mentor/DSL

Mrs G Mardenborough

Family Support Worker

Hub Leader

                           Mrs G Mardenborough

                                     Mr A Larkin

Speech & Language Assistant

Miss K Norris

Thrive/Family Thrive

Mrs S Gilmour


Mr C Clements

Mrs G Mardenborough


Personal Development

Personal Development Team

Personal Development Lead/

Senior Mental Health Lead ~ Whole School

(Mental Health, Well-being, Enrichment/character)

Mrs C Hoods-Truman

Senior Mental Health Lead ~ Infants

Mrs L Young

PSHE/SMSC/Thrive Lead

(RSE, Character)

Miss V Brice


Mental Health Team

Senior Mental Health Lead: Adult & Youth ~ Whole School

Mrs C Hoods-Truman

Senior Mental Health Lead ~ Infants

Mrs L Young

Mental Health First Aider ~ Staff

Mr P Hunt

Mental Health First Aider ~ Staff

Mrs D Delaney

Mental Health First Aider ~ Staff

Mr C Clements

Mental Health First Aider ~

Office & Administration, Site staff

Mrs K Harbach