
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Community Hub

Our Community Hub aims to provide for our local community by developing opportunities for extended learning beyond the core Academy day. Our extended provision through our Hub is at the centre of our community work.  We aspire for the Academy to be at the heart of our local community, recognised by others for our clear understanding and support of local issues and awareness of community needs.









At Oasis Blakenhale, we recognise that people are not two-dimensional beings; we are each a whole person with a broad range of aspirations and needs and these needs are interconnected. To truly help someone with their educational needs, it is vital to also be aware of their emotional needs, spiritual needs and economic needs.

As such, we believe in communities that are holistic, interconnected and totally inclusive. We call our model for these communities ‘Hub.’ 

Oasis Academy Blakenhale is part of Oasis Community Hub; as well as the Academy, the Hub runs a number of services for the community. By ensuring that all these services are joined up and rooted in same ethos we want to see the entire community transformed for the better.

Our community hub leader is Adam Larkin.

To contact the Hub please telephone: 0121 783 3960 or email:


What is happening at our Hub?

Oasis Blakenhale Hub has a variety of services and programmes we would love to invite you to get involved in.

  • Artful Journeys: craft projects for people with a long-term disability. Monday 10:30am-12:30pm on 21st October 2024, 25th November 2024, 16th December 2024 and 27th January 2025.

  • Coffee Morning and Food Club: every Tuesday during term-time from 9:30am-12pm.

  • Weekly Walk and Talk: for people who are neurodiverse and their family members. Every Tuesday during term-time 2pm-3pm.

  • Madrasa - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 4:30pm-6:30pm.

  • Stay & Play - baby and toddler group - Wednesday 8:45am-10:30am (term time only)

  • Adult Education: Digital Skills on Wednesdays 10:45am-12:45pm

  • Adult Education: Introduction to ESOL Part 1 on Wednesdays 1:15pm-3:15pm

  • Fitness - Bootcamp Class - Wednesdays - 7pm-8:30pm - £5 per session