
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Family Support

Oasis Encounter is an exciting therapeutic parenting empowerment course, with new online courses starting September 2024. 

Open to parents and caregivers! Find out how small changes can make the biggest impacts. Proven to be effective with Anxiety, ADHD and Autism. 

Work with likeminded people, ready to instil transformational change within the home. Led by Oasis's own experienced practitioners.

Contact for further information, or click the link below to complete a referral form and the team will be in touch.


Follow the link to the Encounter course:

Or use the QR code:


Watch the 3- minute video too:



 The courses are starting 30/09/24 @18:45hrs & 19:15, 03/10/24 @09:15hrs & 19:15 and 04/10/24 @10am.